Celebrity Talent - Actor

Josh McDermitt Biography

Josh is best known for playing Eugene Porter on AMC’s “The Walking Dead”. In 2006, he appeared on “Last Comic Standing” as a contestant.

Contact a Grand Productions Booking Agent on Josh McDermitt and other celebrity talent.

Book Josh McDermitt

Book Josh McDermitt for Autograph Signing, Celebrity Appearances, Celebrity Judge, Celebrity Meet & Greet, Convention Appearances, Corporate Events, Nightclub Appearances, Personal Appearances, Product Endorsements, Speaking Engagements, Tradeshow Appearances and TV and Radio Commercials.

Grand Productions is a celebrity booking agency that maintains a business relationship with Josh McDermitt's agent, representation, business manager, management company, assistant, PR Firm and publicist.

We are a celebrity booking agency that secures contracted opportunities and hires Josh McDermitt for Autograph Signing, Celebrity Appearances, Celebrity Judge, Celebrity Meet & Greet, Convention Appearances, Corporate Events, Nightclub Appearances, Personal Appearances, Product Endorsements, Speaking Engagements, Tradeshow Appearances and TV and Radio Commercials.

Celebrity Booking Agency - Celebrity Talent - Josh McDermitt